Public Speaking
Jennifer has presented more than 150 speeches to motivate employees, present research, and provide testimony in support of health care. She has provided workshops on leadership and management, project management, and change management skills.
She is a member of the National Speakers Association and a Distinguished Toastmaster. She has provided speeches, seminars, and workshops at the World Health Organization, the National Institutes of Health, and academic and health organizations around the world.
Jennifer currently offers workshops in the following areas. If you don’t see an area listed, just ask!
Becoming a Leader: Leadership Opportunities in Every Moment
Five Leadership Skills You’re Probably Already Using
Becoming your Best Self: Advanced Leadership Skills and Strategies
Charting your Course: Developing and Implementing Career Vision and Mission
Managing Change: Leading Yourself and your Team through Change
Project Management: Getting It Done
Creating a Healthy Work Culture
The Right People: Hiring and Retention of Star Performers
Negotiation and Conflict Management
Difficult Conversations
Evaluating Success and Improving Outcomes
Mentoring: How to Be a Great Mentor/How to Find a Great Mentor
Improving Team Effectiveness
Listening to Customers … and Improving Service Delivery
Download onesheet here
contact us
(503) 484-5679
178 Columbus Ave #237155
New York, NY 10023